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Wake-Ups Sport Certified Caffeine Tablets


Tested for WADA-banned substances by LGC, one of the world's leading anti-doping laboratories. Wake-Ups Sport gives confidence to Olympic competitors, professional athletes, and amateurs who are concerned not only about their reputation and careers, but about what they put into their bodies.

Wake-Ups Sport 100mg

  • Enhance endurance
  • Help Promote alertness
  • Enhance motor and cognitive performance
  • Third-party tested for WADA-banned substances by LGC*  
  • Are made in Canada in a GMP-certified facility
  • Are a registered natural health product with Health Canada:
    NPN for 100mg - 00533629, NPN for 200mg -  80003474

* LGC's testing capability for supplements and ingredients includes over 200 substances prohibited in sport. LGC’s testing methods have been validated and accredited to ISO 17025.

Who uses Informed Sport?

Our Sport Certified caffiene tablets brings confidence to professional athletes, as well as amateur competitors, concerned not only about their reputation and careers but critically about what they put into their bodies.

Competitive athletes and people in all walks of life who may / are prohibited by employment contract from taking supplements that contain banned substances.